Treatment For Piles?
Haemorrhoid (Piles) are the veins in the anus or lower rectum that enlarge to form a lump during bowel movements. Internal haemorrhoids cannot be seen, but the skin around anal opening is often red and swollen with it. It can be very painful and bleed after a bowel movement. Around 14 million Americans have piles. Haemorrhoids affect more women than men, as they have wider pelvic space to put pressure on veins. Other causes include pregnancy, which puts extra pressure on those veins from growing uterus; being overweight because of increased abdominal pressure; straining to move bowels due to hard stools or infrequent bowel movements; lack of exercise and unhealthy food habits such as low-fibre dieting that cause constipation, straining and pressure. If piles do not subside with home remedies or self-treatment, consult a Piles Clinic in Mumbai to get appropriate treatment for them depending on their size, cause of condition and symptoms. Treatment for Piles (i.e., Medic...