Treatment For Piles?
Haemorrhoid (Piles) are the veins in the anus or lower rectum that enlarge to form a lump during bowel movements. Internal haemorrhoids cannot be seen, but the skin around anal opening is often red and swollen with it. It can be very painful and bleed after a bowel movement. Around 14 million Americans have piles. Haemorrhoids affect more women than men, as they have wider pelvic space to put pressure on veins.
Other causes include pregnancy, which puts extra pressure on
those veins from growing uterus; being overweight because of increased
abdominal pressure; straining to move bowels due to hard stools or infrequent
bowel movements; lack of exercise and unhealthy food habits such as low-fibre
dieting that cause constipation, straining and pressure. If piles do not
subside with home remedies or self-treatment, consult a Piles Clinic in Mumbai to get appropriate
treatment for them depending on their size, cause of condition and symptoms.
for Piles (i.e., Medical Treatment)
Rubber Band Ligation (Removal of Haemorrhoids Using Rubber Bands):
is one of the most common techniques used in medical treatment of haemorrhoids.
A rubber band is put around the base of the pile which causes the haemorrhoid
to shrink by cutting off its blood supply. This method has high cure rate i.e.,
85–95%. It can be done on an outpatient basis without any for anaesthesia.
Patients may experience some pain and itching during the treatment which can be
easily controlled with analgesic ointment.
Sclerotherapy (Ultrasound Therapy):
is a non-invasive technique in which an inflatable balloon filled with saline
is passed over the pile mass to cut off its blood supply causing it to shrink,
so it falls off in 2–3 weeks’ time without any surgery. This method has about
95% cure rate with minimal downtime of 4–5 days. It may cause some discomfort
sensation or pain for some time after this therapy; however, that can be
handled using analgesics like Ibuprofen etc.
Photocoagulation (Heat Treatment):
is another effective treatment for haemorrhoids of all grades. Laser is used to
burn off the pile mass using light beam of high intensity. This is done under
anaesthesia, so it may involve some more cost than rubber band ligation or
sclerotherapy. There are minimal side effects of this treatment.
Cryosurgery (Freezing Treatment):
method is similar to photocoagulation except that instead of heat waves laser
beam produce cold waves which freezes the pile tissue damaging by freezing and
destroying them after several sessions. This treatment has about 80% cure rate
with some discomfort sensation for some time after therapy over the treated
area. It can be performed on an outpatient basis with minimal downtime of 2–3
Cantharidin (Wart Removal Method):
is a chemical which can cause blistering at the site of application over the
piles. This method has about 80–90% success rate; however, it may require 6-10
applications 6-7days apart for complete cure. Side effects are pain, burning
sensation and itching for few days over the treated area. It requires only
local anaesthesia to be done on an outpatient basis.
Infrared Coagulation (Infrared Laser Treatment):
method uses infrared heat energy to burn off the haemorrhoid tissue with high
accuracy in millimetres without causing any side effects like pain or bleeding
if handled by an expert doctor. It has 55% treatment success rate. It requires
general anaesthesia; however, it can be performed on an outpatient basis with
minimal downtime of 5–7 days. Make sure Consult Piles
Clinic in Mumbai before Infrared Coagulation.
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