Anal fissure Treatment?
An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around your anus. They usually heal within 4 to 8 weeks without treatment, but they can be very painful until then. A small number of fissures keep hurting for months its important you consult Fissure Doctor in Mumbai . There are different treatments available to help with anal fissures. You can use some medicines, do exercises or nothing at all. In this article we look at the options available and their benefits and harms. How common are they? Anal fissures affect people of all ages. But they are more common in people. 1. frequently get piles (haemorrhoids) 2. experience a hard bowel movement 3. have pain passing poo or blood when they do pass poo 4. force their poo out. Treatment for Anal fissures? There is no perfect way to treat anal fissures but Fissure Clinic in Mumbai can help to stop it. Most heal by themselves within a few weeks, without treatment. It may help to: 1. take sitz baths 2. avoid constipation and stra...