Anal fissure Treatment?
An anal fissure is a
small tear in the skin around your anus. They usually heal within 4 to 8 weeks
without treatment, but they can be very painful until then. A small number of
fissures keep hurting for months its important you consult Fissure
Doctor in Mumbai. There are different treatments available to help with
anal fissures. You can use some medicines, do exercises or nothing at all. In
this article we look at the options available and their benefits and harms.
How common are they?
Anal fissures affect
people of all ages. But they are more common in people.
1. frequently get
piles (haemorrhoids)
2. experience a hard
bowel movement
3. have pain passing
poo or blood when they do pass poo
4. force their poo
Treatment for Anal
There is no perfect way to treat anal fissures but Fissure Clinic in Mumbai can help to stop it. Most heal by themselves within a few weeks, without treatment. It may help to:
1. take sitz baths
2. avoid constipation
and straining on the toilet.
When fissures last
for longer than 4 to 8 weeks, you may be offered treatment to speed up healing
or prevent them coming back.
Using nitrate creams*
hourly for 2 months helps about 1 in 3 people get better.
Otherwise, Fissure
Clinic in Mumbai may offered:
1. Corticosteroid
creams or ointments*
2. Surgery to cut
through the tear (fistulectomy).
3. Botulinum toxin
4. Surgery to cut the
sphincter (sphincterotomy).
5. A procedure called
lateral internal sphincterotomy - see later.
6. Stitching the tear
closed (anal or perianl dressing).
What is privation of
Anal fissures?
In most cases, there
is no need to take action to prevent anal fissures. In some cases, you may be
advised to:
1. eat a high-fibre
diet to soften your stools and help them pass out of the body easily.
2. use a laxative
medicine* if you have constipation.
3. apply petroleum
jelly to the skin around your anus after every bowel movement.
4. take sitz baths
(warm water baths while sitting in a shallow bath or basin) four to six times a
day for about 20 minutes.
5. stop smoking, if
you smoke.
6. avoid wearing tight
7. do the following
8 Squeeze and draw in
your anus as if you are trying to stop yourself passing wind. Then release.
9 Repeat this 10
times, three times every day.
10. do pelvic floor
exercises - see later.
11. wear cotton underwear
that lets your bottom breathe whilst your fissure heals
If you do need
treatment at any point, see a Fissure
Doctor in Mumbai again before starting any new treatments. This will
help to make sure that the treatments are safe for each other.
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