When You Need To Consult With Fissure Doctor
are lots of distinct reasons to see the Fissure Doctor in Mumbai. Before
you start grabbing for your phone, it's important that you know what kinds of
things require you to see Fissure
Doctor in Mumbai.
To See the Fissure Doctor
If Wound Is Still There Even After 14 Days of Treatment by Home Remedies:
This is one of the most common reasons why people see a doctor. If you've been
using any kind of over-the-counter treatment, and it hasn't helped with your
fissure, you'll need to be seen right away
If There Is Continual Bleeding from The Wound:
It's pretty common for a new fissure to bleed a lot. It's even normal for it to
have blood on the toilet paper after you go. In fact, having a little bit of
bleeding is actually a part of your body's natural healing process.The thing
that you do need to be concerned about is if there is major pain along with
continuing bleeding from the wound. If the bleeding occurs in more than one
episode each day for multiple days in a row, it's time to see your fissure
A Foul Door Is Coming from The Wound: It's not uncommon for
an anal fissure to have a little bit of door coming from it after you've gone
to the bathroom. If you notice that it has a strong door, and not just a faint
one, you should go see Fissure
Doctor in Mumbai.
Incontinence Is a Problem forYou: One of the first
things to happen when you have an anal fissure is incontinence - or the
inability to hold it in until your next scheduled bathroom trip. If the
incontinence is an issue for you, it's important to see a doctor as soon as
Your Fissure Is Getting Bigger orDeeper: One of the first
signs that your fissure may be getting worse is when your wound actually gets
bigger or deeper. In most cases, this happens as a result of your body trying
to heal itself.
The Fissure Still Hurts Even After 14 Days of Treatment with Over-The-Counter
Medications: This is actually one of the most
common reasons why people seek out doctor's care, and it's also one of the
easiest problems to fix. If you've been using a simple OTC topical cream or
suppository and it hasn't helped with the pain, you'll need to be seen right
away. Almost all anal fissures can be cared for in less than 14 days, but some
may take a little bit longer.
You Are Experiencing a Fever: One of the first
signs that your fissure may be infected is a fever. In most cases, people who
see their doctor have a fever of 100 degrees F or higher. Other symptoms
include swelling and redness around the wound itself. If you notice that your
fissure has become swollen, red and painful to the touch, then you should go
see a doctor as soon as possible.
You Are Experiencing Severe Pain with Anal Penetration:
One of the most common reasons why people don't have anal penetration is
because they are in so much pain. This is also one of the easiest problems to
fix, especially when you can see a fissure doctor for your problem right away.
The fissure doesn't heal after a month: the wound will not
close by itself. In many people, a new fissure heals within one month of being
caused. For some people, however, it can take up to several months for their
wounds to heal completely. If you've been treating your anal fissure at home
and it is still not healed after one month, you may need to see a doctor for
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