Why Are Piles A Problem For Everyone, And How May They Be Avoided?



The term piles is used for the collection of swollen and inflamed veins in the anal canal, caused by increased pressure on these veins. This may happen because of increased abdominal pressure due to constipation, an enlarged prostate, pregnancy or high body mass index (BMI) according to the Piles Doctors in Mumbai. The weakened walls of these veins can no longer stretch and fold as they usually do. This causes the venous return of blood to be impeded, which may cause feelings of pain and discomfort in the lower body, or itchy sensations around the groin area..

How does one recognise piles?

Symptoms may include severe itching in the anal region, pain while passing stool and during/after defecation, bleeding during/after defecation, feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, mucus discharge etc.If piles are diagnosed early on, they may be treated very successfully in most cases. However, in some cases the piles become large and cause complications like anal fissures (tears in the skin around the anus) or abscesses (boils). In a few cases, surgery may be required.

Why is it important to catch them early?

This may help in avoiding complicated treatments and surgeries with their associated side effects. Also, with proper treatment most complications of piles may be avoided. Surgery has its own risks including anaesthesia related problems, post operative pain or discomfort and so on.

How may piles be prevented?

Most cases of piles can be prevented if we consume a healthy diet, rich in fibre and fruits and vegetables. One should increase the intake of fibre as per their body requirement. Some people need 10 to 15 grams of fibre daily as against the average recommendation of 30-40 grams. One can increase the intake of fibre by eating a variety of food items such as wheat, jowar, bajra, ragi, oats, chappati etc. One should also eat more food items with high water content such as cucumber and lauki (bottle gourd). In addition to this one should avoid the consumption of food items which aggravate piles. We may include fibre in our diets by consuming healthy breakfast cereals such as jowar or bajra idli/dosa batter, chappati and roti, unripe papaya etc.We can decrease constipation by drinking plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses) and other liquids e.g. buttermilk, dahi (yogurt). Thus piles may be prevented by consuming a healthy diet.

What are the symptoms of piles?

When it becomes chronic one can feel discomfort or pain inside the anal area, mainly after bowel movement according to the Piles Doctors in Mumbai. There may also be an increased frequency of bowel movements as the stools may be hard and difficult to pass. In some cases, there is a discharge of mucus from the anus which further makes it necessary to pass stool frequently.In other cases blood or dark blackish coloured blood can also be passed along with stool. This could lead to a case of haemorrhoids, which may cause pain and soreness in the anal region. In some cases there might also be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

One can feel bloated after eating food due to incomplete bowel movement; this causes colic like pain initially followed by constipation. When one is suffering from piles he/she should drink plenty of water and other liquids so that the stools become soft.







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