5 Signs You May Have Piles

Blog Introduction: hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. According to the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, hemorrhoids are one of the most common problems that affect adults. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum, while external hemorrhoids develop under the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids are not dangerous, but they can be extremely uncomfortable. Here are five signs that you may have piles you need to go Piles Clinic in Mumbai.


1. Pain or discomfort during bowel movements: If you have piles, you may experience pain or discomfort during bowel movements. This is because piles can cause the tissue around your anus to swell and stretch, which can be painful. Additionally, if your hemorrhoids are thrombosed (i.e., they contain a blood clot), you may also experience severe pain during bowel movements.


2. Itching or irritation around your anus: If you have piles, you may experience itching or irritation around your anus. This is because when the tissue around your anus swells, it cancause the skin to become irritated. Additionally, if you have external hemorrhoids, they may bulge out from under the skin and become irritated as well.


3. Bleeding during bowel movements: If you have piles, you may notice blood on your toilet paper after wiping or on your stool itself. This is because when the tissue around your anus swells, it can cause bleeding. Additionally, if your hemorrhoids are thrombosed (i.e., they contain a blood clot), they may also rupture and bleed.


4. A lump near your anus: If you have an external hemorrhoid, you may be able to feel a lump near your anus. This lump is actually the swollen vein that has prolapsed (i.e., bulged out) from under the skin. Internal hemorrhoids cannot be felt in this way as they are located inside the rectum.


5. Pain or discomfort in your anus: If you have piles, you may experience pain or discomfort in your anus due to the swelling of the tissue around it. Additionally, if your hemorrhoids are thrombosed (i e., they contain a blood clot), you may also experience severe pain in your anal area as well.



If you think you might have piles, it's important to see a doctor so they can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment accordingly with Piles Clinic in Mumbai  . In some cases, such as when symptoms are mild, no treatment may be necessary beyond home care measures such as increasing fiber intake and drinking plenty of fluids to prevent constipation (which can worsen symptoms). However, in other cases—such as when symptoms are more severe or do not improve with home care—more aggressive treatment may be necessary such as medical therapy or surgery.



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